Are you one of those people who have been practicing law of attraction and something is stopping manifestation, yet you’ve tried everything?
Or, are you one of those people who have been setting goals in your business and you are never reaching them and you don’t know why?
Or, do you have a physical pain and have tried every modality possible and are now understanding that it might be a trapped emotion?
It was Rumi who said it best when he wrote: “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it”. When we approach ourselves through the healing work of the Emotion and Body Code, quite astounding transformations can happen as barriers dissolve, emotions integrate, beliefs shift and patterns release. We can return to wholeness; to a deeper sense of completeness before all the stuff –baggage – we collected on the way through or across this or indeed other lifetimes. In response to situations that happen we can create all kinds of things that prevent us from fully and freely living our best lives through the best, or highest version of ourselves. It was Albert Einstein who said “ we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them”and so part of the healing process may entail finding a trustworthy professional and dedicated practitioner who is able to bring a fresh, new and different perspective to address the issue you are facing.
Energetic healing or biofield therapies are more common than you think! Modalities like Kinesiology, Acupuncture, Reiki, BodyTalk, Qigong, Tai Chi, EFT, Reflexology, to name just a few, have been around for a long while now and they offer various forms of help and healing, relief and resolution of underlying issues or imbalances.
Many celebrities and high profile individuals have reportedly indicated they turn to energy healing to support themselves and address issues arising in their body with everyone from Gwyneth Paltrow and Cameron Diaz, Kim Kardashian to Adelle, and from Barack Obama to Oprah Winfrey rumoured to turn to various forms of energy healing to help in their own lives. The field of possibilities in an abundant world of experience is truly limitless!
Sessions can be over the phone, email, via Zoom, WhatsApp and FaceTime.
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The information provided on the website is for the purposes of information only and is not given as professional medical advice. If you have a health problem, medical emergency, or a health question, I recommend you contact your healthcare provider. The services provided by me are not intended to cure, treat or diagnose any medical conditions.